How to make it special

 Well ! it is always special when you add that special ingredient of love in your food . But still what  makes  a  simple home dinner special is some twists from our daily routine . Here are few tips which I feel really make it a special moment

  • Get away from your routine food and make it something different. Choose different cuisines and give some variety to your taste buds
  • Believe me , it need not be really authentic and traditional always.  Give things your own twist and experiment.  Do not hesitate to modify a recipe as per your family's taste and liking.  
  • What looks good often tastes good !! It is important that the presentation of food is good.  It makes a lot of difference how you serve the food .  Be creative and make the dish look good.
  • Use right crockery or utensils for serving food.  Sometimes we just keep our crockery to be used for some special guest but we often forget that family is more special.  Please be more liberal in using good utensils and crockery while serving food.  
Food will taste equally good irrespective of how you serve but then it will not be special.  Give it that special touch and  you can make a simple home cooked food very special for your special ones.

Happy Cooking !! 


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